Join us in welcoming Timothy Wolfe, PE, Chief of Engineering and Construction in Baltimore DPW's Bureau of Water and Wastewater, for a presentation on Investing in One of the City's Most Valuable Assets: Water. This is a unique opportunity to learn about Baltimore's complex water systems - drinking, storm, and waste - and how DPW works every day to improve them.
Tim is a civil engineer who has spent much of his career working on Baltimore's water systems - drinking, storm, and sanitary. Learn about the many ways DPW is improving the massive and complex systems that protect public health and the environment, by moving and cleaning water.
To accompany the evening's discussion and networking, we will also feature a lineup from Nepenthe Brewing Co. -- located in Hamden, hon -- that is sourced with Baltimore's delicious tap water.
Since ancient times, Nepenthe has described a potion used to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow.
We can't be sure about that, but we do think an array of brews from Nepenthe Brewing Co. will go great with pizza from Isabella's in neighboring Little Italy, and learning about Baltimore's vital water systems -- an evening you won't want to forget!
Tickets for March 26th are $25 and include food and beverage, and PE's get one PDH credit. You must be registered to attend, and seating is limited, so sign up today!