Public Works are everywhere, keeping you moving day in and day out. Without us, life in our modern world would be nearly impossible, and yet, you hardly know us.
Every day, Public Works help protect our health and the environment, while improving the quality of life in our communities.
Imagine no water, or electricity, or trash removal - we could not last long in our modern world without Public Works!
Mark Your Calendars - May 10, 2025
Join us each month as we bring together public works, neighbors and friends; and a delicious craft brew.
Click Here for more info.
In the Queue, stay tuned!
April 2025 - Key Bridge Rebuild
May 2025 - The Red Line
June 2025 - The Jones Falls
Thanks to a generous gift from the Water and Waste Operators Association of MD, DE, and DC, The Public Works Experience is now open every Saturday!
So bring a friend or bring the family - there is something for everyone at PWE, and much more to visit in on Baltimore's amazing Harbor East waterfront!
We are located at 751 Eastern Avenue, and there are numerous parking garages nearby.
Your support and contributions will enable us to open Evey Saturday, while we continue to pursue our master plan improvements.
PWE is a 501c3 charity, and your gift may be tax deductible.
American Public Works Assoc., Mid-Atlantic Chapter
American Society of Civil Engineers, Maryland Section
EWRI - Chesapeake Bay
American Society of Highway Engineers, Chesapeake Section
American Water Works Association
Black & Veatch
Bowen Engineering Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Pelisek
Century Engineering
Chesapeake Water Environment Association
Chesapeake Section AWWA
David Openshaw, PE and Lily Openshaw, PE
Duke's Root Control, Inc.
Edward and Patricia Bouwer
Gannett Fleming, Inc.
Gray & Son, Inc.
Harford County Department of Public Works
Hazen and Sawyer
HDR, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Johnson, Mirmiran, and Thompson
KCI Technologies
Kiewit Corporation
Ligon and Ligon
Margaret Byars Martin, PE
McCormick Taylor
Mott MacDonald
Mueller Company
Navarro and Wright
Pascale Stevens LLC
Pennoni and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buscarini
Patricia A. and James N. Langley
RJN Group
Rummell, Klepper, and Kahl
Sheladia Associates, Inc.
Spiniello Companies
Straughan Environmental, Inc.
STV, Inc.
Thomas J. Iacoboni
Volkert, Inc.
Wallace Montgomery
Water and Waste Operators Assoc., MD, DE, and DC
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Whitman, Requardt, and Associates
Whitney, Bailey, Cox and Magnani
Special Thanks to our Benefactor, Baltimore City DPW
We are nothing without you!
751 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, United States
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